HQ GPO Global/Prime Office Centre Ville Montreal
service innovation group - London + Paris + Wien + Ettlingen
Aspecta Lebensversicherungen,
HDI Gerling Versicherungen,
Pro-Activ Versicherungen
H.C. Starck GmbH Headquarter M�nchen
artundweise GmbH, Agentur f�r digitale Kommunikation, Bremen, www.artundweise.de
HPI Hasso-Plattner-Institut f�r Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH,Potsdam
�koland GmbH Nord Vertriebsgesellschaft f�r �kologische Erzeugnisse, Wunstorf
Jens Bormann Recycling, P�ttlingen
H+W Mechatronik GmbH Sicherheitssysteme, Neu-Ulm
Lehmann Engineering GmbH, Osthofen, www.lehmann-engineering.eu
Dipl. Psychologe Robert Betz, Autor + Cornelia Hempfling, M�nchen
Galerie Vogel, Heidelberg
Pixelgenau GmbH, Frankfurt www.pixelgenau.com
Steuerberater Kallbach, M�nster
Enayati GmbH & Co. KG Oberfl�chen- und Anlagentechnik, Birkenfeld
(Camlog) ALTATEC GmbH, Wimsheim bei Stuttgart
Steininger Stra�enbauprodukte, Karlsbad
M�rz Motoradhandel, Ettlingen
Oficina de Representaci�n en Espana de Raiffeisenbank Kleinwalsertal AG, Mallorca
LnB GmbH -Roland Liebscher-Bracht, Bad Homburg, www.liebscher-bracht.com
Werner Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH & Co.KG, Schriesheim
Lohnsteuerhilfe Bayern e.V., M�nchen
Hohenstein Institut f�r Textilinnovation, Schloss Hohenstein
Justiz- und Umweltministerium Brandenburg
DREHTAINER GmbH, Spezialcontainer f�r die Wehrtechnik, Valluhn MegaPark
Rena Sondermaschinenbau, Furtwangen
Optima / Inova / Klee Maschinenbau, Schw�bisch Hall
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Georg Fischer AG, Mettmann
Vector Informatik GmbH Stuttgart
Gartner Group International
Predictive Systems
Daimler Chrysler Nl.
Klett Schulbuchverlag
Energie Versorgung Schwaben EVS
Handtmann Unternehmensgruppe
Kreissparkasse Biberach
Volksbank WB
Internet Leasing GmbH
Landratsamt Biberach
B�rgermeister�mter Schemmerberg,
Schemmerhofen, Mittelbiberach
AOK, Bieberach
Krankenh�user Biberach
Command Computer AG
Miro AG/Pinnacle Systems
WIBU Systems
GMS, Sail Labs
Riess group business service
BWG Informationssysteme
pr-tronik elektronik handels gmbh
Istec GmbH, IT-L�sungen
Lotto-Team, D�sseldorf, ... EBS Entsorgungsbetriebe Solingen
Gr�nder & Technologiezentrum Solingen
BKK Demag AG Duisburg, M�nchen, uvm.
RWG D�sseldorf
Lebenshilfe D�sseldorf
Herrmann Ultraschall
Taller connects
Polytec und PI
Arbeitsministerium Luxembourg
4Media AG
Aspro Technology AG
Tecfrut AG
Baugemeinschaft Ettlingen e.G.
HOWOGE Wohnungsbauges.
S�dw. Bauberufsgenossenschaft
Kreishandwerkerschaft Karlsruhe
Innungskrankenkasse Karlsruhe
Betriebskrankenkasse, Ettlingen
Digel, Hell & Partner
Link & Rotter Soz.
Schindhelm & Pfisterer Rechtsanwaltskanzlei
Kanzlei Schmalfu�, D�rr, Brandt, Heretsch
Tax-Treuhand GmbH
Rechtsanw�lte Scholz & Partner
Steuerberatungssoziet�t F�rber Kapp Schwab
References and Testimonials
09.05.2011 Dear Mr. Jordan, the desk is top. I am glad I choose the larger one .. it look so perfect and harmonious. Gabriele Fr�hlich www.raumkraft.de
26.04.2010 Dear Mr. Jordan, I am happy that I came to your show-room. From brochure I would have chosen a white desk, but after I have seen the hardwood bamboo tops in your show room .. my office is beautiful know. J�rg Lehmann Gesch�ftsf�hrer, Lehmann engineering
Question: How is the furniture and the design concept accepted from your co-workers?
Hello Mr. Jordan, I have the impression: very very well. It is an office for well-being. And not only with the co-workers - all, who
have to do with (landlord, caretaker, agent of the real estate agency, craftsman, Telekom coworker etc. etc.) all were inspired and
surprised. The complete office is - compared with other offices in the building - extraordinary and therefore is preferably used as a
reference in order to show it to future tenants from other lofts. Many greetings Gerlinde Jones, artundweise GmbH, agency for digital
communication Konsul Schmidt Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen
Hello Mr. Jordan, first simply: THANKS. because everything went so fast and uncomplicatedly. The design bar for the Powerlift is so
beautifully - now Design and stability fit. (Thanks that you recommended this solution to me). For my feeling all of your furniture
has a history, a personality, aesthetics. A successful combination of function, fastidious Design and solid craftmanship. Each time
this inspires me again again, Peter is now also convinced. Instead of seeing furnitureonly functionally, he for the first time sees
office furniture emotional. He is completely enthusiasticall about the bamboo top. He finds the acoustic screens like me a successful
idea. And both we are pleased like children at Christmas about our beautiful new office. Ulrike Benne, Peter's office, 71126 G�ufelden
Good day Mr. Jordan, Thank you for the punctual and high-quality supply of my office furniture. I am very inspired by the optics and
the quality of craftmanship. My customers and visitor register and praise now, without knowing about Feng Shui, the positive
atmosphere in the new office and feel very well. I had my old office also aligned according to Feng Shui, but with the new
Vital-Office furniture it is now much better! Gladly I continue to recommend your company. Yours sincerely! Heiderose Marte-Lowe
Organisations- und Personalberatung Marte-Lowe & Partner
Dear Mr. Jordan, I wish you also a good year 2008. I am very content with furniture as well as with the true-light. I would like to
thank you for the competent consultation. I wish you for your enterprise all the best. Many greetings Cordula Schulz, Schulz Pharma
Druck GmbH
Dear Mr. Jordan, thank you for the super amazing office furniture!! At my new desk I felt well immediately! Class work. Many greetings
Michaela Zein MediaAgentur Zein, 04463 Grossp�sna
April 2001, 5 trucks loaded with Vital-Office furniture arrived at a Swiss company's headquarter near Zurich. After 6 months of
working in their new environment the Top management comments:
"Out of 15 different office systems suppliers, we decided to go with the Vital-Office line. Because of the furniture's flexibility and
versatility, our investment has already paid itself. We could quickly and easily adapt and rearrange the furniture according to
organization's changes. Also we achieved higher productivity in software development through composing environmental work-groups for
efficient teams according to projects. All this could be done ad-hoc without having to plan new layouts!
Our employees have confirmed us that they've noticed a considerable change and enjoy their new environment. Their productivity has
increased as they also can work longer hours with better focus! Concentration and well being has increased.
Also clearly improved is the communication and cooperation of our employees. The dynamics in our offices has increased due to the
consequently round flowing forms at the workplaces and the entire layout. Since you can not hurt yourself - you can not get stains
blue - at these desks our employees are more encouraged to move and perform more brain storming thought-exchange with their team
colleagues thus working more creatively together on their projects.
The cooperation and project coordination with architecture & design office The Origin AG and Office furniture manufacturer
Vital-Office was extremely good.
Both companies showed their professionalism concerning office know-how, service, accuracy and reliability."